
We Offer Services

The staff consists of a License Clinical Social Worker, Register Nurse, License Clinical Psychologist, Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and Chaplain. Staff has over 50 years of experience. Services provided in Mississippi and Louisiana with more states coming soon.

Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is a semi-structured interview for substance abuse assessment and treatment planning. The ASI is designed to gather valuable information about areas of a client’s life that may contribute to their substance-abuse problems.

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Gambling Assessment

There are many assessment tools available to measure rates of problem and pathological gambling. Although many of these assessment tools are based on self-assessments, others are designed to be administered by a mental health professional.

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Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory

SASSI identifies high or low probability of substance use disorders and includes a prescription drug scale that identifies individuals likely to be abusing prescription medications. It also provides a measure of profile validity and clinical insight into level of defensiveness and willingness to acknowledge experienced consequences of substance use disorder.

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Psychosocial Assessment

A psychosocial assessment is an evaluation of an individual's mental health and social well-being. It assesses the perception of self and the individual's ability to function in the community.

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Virtual Educational Session (Court Order, Job Related)

Virtual education refers to instruction in a learning environment where teacher and student are separated by time or space, or both, and the teacher provides course content through course management applications, multimedia resources, the Internet, videoconferencing, etc.

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Domestic Violence Assessment

Your partner apologizes and says the hurtful behavior won't happen again — but you fear it will. At times you wonder whether you're imagining the abuse, yet the emotional or physical pain you feel is real. If this sounds familiar, you might be experiencing domestic violence.

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Rehabilition Services and Fees

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